Markov Decision Process

In this project, I solved the problem explain in Figure 14.2 of the book “Probabilistic Robotics” using Dynamic Programing.

The robot can move in 8 directions (4 straight + 4 diagonal). The robot has two model: a) Deterministic model, that always executes movements perfectly. b) Stochastic model, that has a 20% probability of moving +/-45degrees from the commanded move. (1 means occupied and 0 means free). The reward of hitting obstacle is -50.0 . Reward for any other movement that does not end up at goal is -1.0. The reward for reaching the goal is 100.0. The goal location is at W(8,11) Use gamma =0.95.


Results generated for the optimal policy for the robot using the following algorithms:

1. Policy iteration 
2. Value Iteration 
3. Generalized Policy Iteration


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