
Markov Decision Process

Policy Generation for Mobile Robot in obstacle environment using Policy Iteration , Generalised Policy Iteration , and Value Iteration in both Deterministic , and Stochastic Models. Here process is assumed to be Markov Decision Process , and the problem is solved using Dynamic Programming

Face Swap

Swapping faces in the images using Thin Plate Spline and Triangulation Methods


Seamless Panorama stitching using ANMS and Deep Learning

PID Simulator

Time series response of closed loop control systems with P,I,PI,PD and PID controls with unit step response.


simplified version of Probability of Boundary (pb lite) detection algorithm, and CNN for Image classification

D* and Informed RRT*

Motion planning for mobile robots using Informed RRT* and , Motion planning in dynamic environment using D* agorithm.


Stereo visual inertial odometry using Multi- State Constraint Kalman Filter


Calibrating camera’s intrinsic and extrinsic parameters using Zhang’s calibration method

Semantic Segmentation

Iterative closest point implementation for mapping the LIDAR , and segmentation using neural networks


Python Program to compute best fit line or plane using random sample consensus